Some first views of CES 2011

I made it and although most of the conference really hasn’t started yet, I was still amazed at some of the things I saw.  Plus the sheer size of this conference is amazing.  Here are some photos I captured as I walked around.

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Why I’m on the way to CES

As I’m sitting on this plane heading to Vegas (Baby) to attend my first CES conference, I thought I’d answer the question that I’ve been getting from some people leading to this trip. “Why are YOU going to CES?”, they say. But that’s the wrong question.  The right question is, “Why is this just the…

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Art challenges technology. Technology inspires art.

Recently I was reading about Pixar and they have a great philosophy on the importance of art and technology and how they should influence each other.  It goes like this: Art challenges technology; technology inspires the art. Art, or creative, should challenge technology.  Ideas should be dreamed up and technology should be challenged to find…

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