How do you get your news?

This week at a pitch event (where startups pitch their businesses), I met the creator of a Google Reader replacement called Minimal Reader. While we traded stories about how much we loved Google Reader (which Google killed off a little over a year ago), we started talking about the news / RSS apps we use currently. 

Today, Google Play Newsstand and a link to the ESPN homepage are the only “news” sites on my phone’s home screen. My phone is where I consume most of my news and articles. I do have a folder on my home screen that is called “Read”, which has several apps I use to consume content. Below is a screenshot of those apps:


The apps listed in that folder are for the most part in order of how often I use them.

I also receive news updates that Google Now thinks I’d be interested in based on past web browsing. These articles come up if I swipe left from on my home screen, and this morning this is what it looked like:


Since I’m always curious, what apps / process do YOU use to get your news?


  1. Jordan Sherer on July 18, 2014 at 7:43 am

    I use Minimal Reader, of course. But, RSS can be overwhelming sometimes, so I use a process of separating high-volume blogs/news sites, from my low-volume must reads. It’s been working wonders and allows me to subscribe to 1000+ sites without being overwhelmed. I have a blog post on that:

  2. Hoyt Summers Pittman III on July 18, 2014 at 8:40 am

    I mostly get my news via a desktop computer from several personally curated (Reddit) sites, Google news, and a quick check of CNN [Your one stop shop for everything plane crash]. On the go I’ll listen to some podcasts (if we are during the Lois Reitzes power hour) or NPR.

  3. dennisdube on July 18, 2014 at 9:21 am

    This one of my biggest online challenges. Finding a one stop mobile experience for news that I want to read and/or need to read without being bombarded.
    Also did I miss the post where you talked about leaving Instapaper?

  4. Jeff Hilimire on July 18, 2014 at 11:15 am

  5. Jeff Hilimire on July 18, 2014 at 11:16 am

    +1 on “everything plane crash”. Jeesh.

  6. phil_hendrix on July 20, 2014 at 1:40 am

    In a recent post on Gigaom I discuss a # of startups addressing the “Content Discovery Gap”…. of all the solutions I’ve tried, my favorites are Newsle (just acquired by LinkedIn) and Pugmarks (full disclosure: I became an advisor after using Pugmarks and finding their content recommendations indispensable; cross-platform – Chrome plug-in and Android app).

  7. Jeff Hilimire on July 21, 2014 at 12:52 pm

    Thanks, Phil, I wasn’t aware of Newsle or Pudgmarks!

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