The start is what stops most people

This is a public service announcement to do that thing you want to do. You know, that thing you think about all the time. That thing that you believe you should be doing, if you only had the time…or the money…or the experience…or the confidence.

Begin the Begin! I named this blog ‘Begin the Begin’ for a reason:

What I like about the phrase is that its a call to action.  It applies to startups and entrepreneurs. It applies to marketers. It applies to people who want to help others. It applies to anyone that believes they can be something better but is hesitant to take that next step. Begin the begin, people!

Most people can’t get past the start. It’s the hardest part. It’s why I say to entrepreneurs all the time that the perfect time to start your business is NOW.

No more waiting. Map it out, and then do it. Whatever it is. Just…go!

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