Blogging, reading, slackness, and other stuff

I’ve slowed my blogging cadence way down recently, and am struggling to make sure I post at least once a week. It’s something I want to change – 2-3 times a week is a better flow for me – but right now with everything going on, its hard to make it a priority. Side note:…

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Becoming Steve Jobs

Last week I finished the book, Becoming Steve Jobs. I highly recommend it for anyone interested in: entrepreneurship, Jobs / Apple, or success stories. Below are some of the passages that stood out to me: Most great Silicon Valley startups start out lean and simple. The advantage they have over established companies is the focus…

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Which book should I read next?

I want to read more in 2015, and I’ll give myself a B- so far. I basically spent January finishing off a few books that I had slacked off on over the years, and I’m just about finished with the last one: Creativity, Inc. It’s just about time for me to pick the next one. Below are books…

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