Fun with company schwag #friendlyhuman #tonx

This week I received two pieces of company schwag, one from Friendly Human (who I mentioned in my blog post yesterday) and one from Tonx, a coffee subscription business that I recently tested out. Friendly Human was nice enough to give me this awesome jacket for helping them with a company retreat and Tonx gave…

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Zappos says bye-bye to the concept of managers

Zappos is getting rid of its managers and creating a holacracy, wherin a company has: No people managers. Maximum autonomy. Organic expansion. When a job gets too big, hire another person. Tension resolution. Identify issues people are facing, write them down, and resolve them systematically. Make everything explicit – from vacation policies to decision makers…

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My love affair with the Nexus 5 three days in

I’ve had the Nexus 5 for three days, only one of which was it actually on a cellular plan (AT&T), and I already love this phone. I was saying to a friend yesterday that it feels like the first time I got the iPhone back in 2007. It’s that good. Until Apple gets their act…

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10 ways to lose your best employees #blindpost

This is a blindpost suggested to me by Joe* from Fast Company entitled, 10 ways to lose your best employees. “Your best employees”, that’s an interesting concept by itself. But let’s assume for arguments sake that you have a pool of employees that are your “best”. The high performers, self-starters, over-achievers, do-it-all-and-bake-you-a-cake-afterwards kinda people. Before…

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