Shotput Ventures Update: LaDiDa making a splash

One of the original Shotput companies,, has been getting a lot of press lately and for good reason.  They’ve created a very impressive iPhone app called LaDiDa, which is essentially reverse karaoke.  It’s a fantastic app and the team behind it is incredible.  Of course I’m a little biased ;), but I got to…

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My story

One of my sister’s friends is a journalism major at UGA and needed to write a story on someone for a class. My sister suggested me and I was honored to oblige. Below is the piece she wrote and I’m both humbled and impressed. Typically I don’t publish things like this but it tells my…

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I’ve been Alltopped

I like Alltop. It’s the “online magazine rack” of popular topics, or so they say.  Guy Kawasaki is involved and he’s a pretty smart dude. It’s an interesting way to help weed through the information overload that is out there.  Google Reader does it albeit in a different, more manual way.  I personally have been…

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